WiN:R2R小组| 2019年11月2日| 4.5 MB
MAC:CODESHiNE | 2020年12月24日| 19兆字节
ValhallaVintageVerb是一个后现代混响插件,其灵感来自1970年代和1980年代的经典硬件数字混响。ValhallaVintageVerb 1.7.1中的新功能:两种新的混响模式,混沌厅和混沌腔!
- 音乐厅。基于1970年代末和1980年代初的霍尔算法。巨大的空间图像,可从稀疏调整为非常密集的回声密度,以及丰富的合唱调制。
- 明亮的大厅。与音乐厅算法相似,但具有更明亮的初始声音以及更深更丰富的调制效果。
- 房间。模拟1980年代早期房间算法的声音。中等扩散/早期回声密度,声音较暗,合唱调制。
- 盘子。受1980年代初期的印版算法启发。高度扩散,明亮的初始声音,高回声密度,茂密的合唱调制。
- 密室。透明且密集的算法。高扩散性,高回声密度,比板/室算法少着色,合唱调制。
- 随机空间。这会产生DEEP和WIDE混响,与1980年代后期启发它的算法相比,它的攻击速度较慢,扩散程度更大。调制使用内部延迟随机化,以减少金属伪影,而不会产生合唱调制算法中音高变化的情况。
- 合唱空间。与“随机空间”相同,但延迟随机化被郁郁葱葱的合唱调制所取代。
- 氛围。将时变的随机早期反射与功能齐全的混响尾音结合在一起,并通过Attack旋钮控制早期和晚期混响之间的平衡。有助于在鼓,人声以及应该感觉到但听不到混响的任何地方添加“空气”。
- 避难所。灵感来自1970年代经典的德国数字混响器。离散的早期反射,密集的后期混响,迅速建立在回声密度和郁郁葱葱的失调调制中。Sanctuary结合了早期数字硬件的A / D和D / A转换器中使用的位减少和浮点增益控制。
- 光滑板。脏盘子的完全对面。在从短到接近永久的所有设置下,平滑衰减。茂盛的合唱,在Dirty Plate中找不到任何金属。ValhallaVintageVerb中最透明,最自然的混响。调大Size参数,然后跳入太空!
- 光滑的房间。平滑和透明的房间混响,采用“ Smooth Plate”风格。用于仿真1980年代后期硬件的Room / Hall算法,以及获得清晰的低色混响效果。
- 平滑随机。随机房间/霍尔算法,具有透明衰减,可以从微小调整为巨大。类似于随机空间的随机延迟调制,但是具有更严格的初始攻击和更平滑的衰减。一个好的“万事通”混响算法。
- 肮脏的大厅。重新审视了音乐厅算法,其目的是模拟80年代早期混响硬件的奇怪的定点和转换器伪像。Lusher比音乐厅算法更密集,轻拍时带有温暖和粗砂的感觉,可带来大致的美感。插入模拟合成器,让自己进入复古的科幻天堂。
- 脏盘子。Dirty Hall的所有温暖而坚韧的文物都应用到了老式的数字印版算法中。高回声密度,宽广的立体声像,以及适量的金属光泽。通过脏板传送时,鼓会活跃起来。
- 诺林。门控,反向和非线性混响都在这里。使用大小控制混响的持续时间,使用起音平滑地在截断的混响,“平坦”门控衰减和巨大的反向混响之间进行插值。轻巧的合唱调制功能可满足您的擦鞋需求。
- 混沌大厅(1.7.1中的新功能)。音乐厅算法混乱不堪,调制和饱和伪像受到经典磁带回声的启发。郁郁葱葱而温暖,带有微妙的哇声和颤音合唱,可增加深度而不会使您的混响晕船。
- 混沌室(1.7.1中的新功能)。既平滑又混乱。相对“无量纲”的混响算法,可增加声音的深度。哇和颤动调制,细微的磁带饱和度。在几乎所有输入上都使用此算法,这听起来不错。
- 1970年代。复制最早的数字混响器减小的带宽(最大输出频率为10 kHz)。内部下采样,以重现以较低采样率运行的伪影。调制是黑暗且嘈杂的,并且可以产生带有持续音调的奇怪且随机的边带。这是故意的。
- 1980年代。全带宽/采样率,比1970年代的声音更明亮。调制仍然是黑暗且嘈杂的,但是由于它以全采样速率运行,因此会产生与1970年代模式不同的伪像。
- 现在。全带宽/采样率。与1970年代/ 1980年代模式的时髦伪像相比,调制是干净无色的。
- 精简的功能强大的参数集,分为逻辑类别。
- 所有控件都在一个面板上。无需菜单潜水。
- 插件窗口底部的工具提示,描述了当前选择的混响模式和色彩模式,以及用户正在调整的任何参数。目标是使该插件具有自记录功能。
- 连续调整大小–只需单击右下角并拖动到所需的大小即可。
- 强大的跨平台预设菜单,能够以文本格式复制和粘贴预设。通过电子邮件,论坛帖子等共享预设
- 现代派,简约2D图形设计。
- 1.7.1中的新增功能:单击NOW色彩模式右上角的“ GUI模式”文本,以在原始的黑白配色方案和全新的黑白GUI之间进行切换。
更新至2.1.2。适用于Mac的Big Sur就绪,已签名并经过公证的安装程序,已安装Windows的已签名安装程序。
WiN: Team R2R | 02 November 2019 | 4.5 MB
MAC: CODESHiNE | 24 December 2020 | 19 MB
ValhallaVintageVerb is a postmodern reverb plugin, inspired by the classic hardware digital reverbs of the 1970s and 1980s. New in ValhallaVintageVerb 1.7.1: Two new reverb modes, Chaotic Hall and Chaotic Chamber!
ValhallaVintageVerb Description:
17 Reverb Algorithms:
- Concert Hall. Based on the hall algorithms of the late 1970s and early 1980s. Huge spatial image, echo density that can be adjusted from very sparse to very dense, and lush chorusing modulation.
- Bright Hall. Similar to the Concert Hall algorithm, but with a brighter initial sound, and deeper and lusher modulation.
- Room. Emulates the sound of early 1980s room algorithms. Medium diffusion/early echo density, somewhat darker sound, chorused modulation.
- Plate. Inspired by early 1980s plate algorithms. Highly diffuse, bright initial sound, high echo density, lush chorused modulation.
- Chamber. A transparent and dense algorithm. Highly diffuse, high echo density, less coloration than Plate/Room algorithms, chorused modulation.
- Random Space. This generates DEEP and WIDE reverbs, with a slow attack, and more diffusion than the late 1980s algorithms that inspired it. The modulation uses internal delay randomization, to reduce metallic artifacts without the pitch change that can occur in the algorithms with chorused modulation.
- Chorus Space. Same as Random Space, but with the delay randomization replaced with lush chorused modulation.
- Ambience. Combines time varying randomized early reflections with a full-featured reverb tail, with the balance between early and late reverb controlled by the Attack knob. Useful for adding “air” to drums, vocals, and any place where a reverb should be felt but not heard.
- Sanctuary. Inspired by a classic German digital reverberator from the 1970s. Discrete early reflections, a dense late reverb that rapidly builds in echo density, lush detuned modulation. Sanctuary incorporates the bit reduction and floating-point gain control used in the A/D and D/A convertors of the early digital hardware.
- Smooth Plate. The complete opposite of Dirty Plate. Smooth decay at all settings, from short to near-eternal. Lush chorusing, with none of the metal found in Dirty Plate. The most transparent and naturalistic reverb in ValhallaVintageVerb. Crank up the Size parameter, and float off into space!
- Smooth Room. A smooth and transparent room reverb, in the Smooth Plate style. Useful for emulating the Room/Hall algorithms of late 1980s hardware, as well as getting clear reverberation with low amounts of coloration.
- Smooth Random. A random room/hall algorithm, with transparent decays that can be adjusted from tiny to huge. Randomized delay modulation, similar to Random Space, but with a much tighter initial attack and smoother decay. A good “jack of all trades” reverb algorithm.
- Dirty Hall. A fresh look at the Concert Hall algorithm, with the goal being to emulate the strange fixed point and convertor artifacts of early 80s reverb hardware. Lusher and denser than the Concert Hall algorithm, with loads of warmth and grit on tap, for a roughly hewn beauty. Plug in your analog synth and send yourself into retro sci-fi heaven.
- Dirty Plate. All the warm and gritty artifacts of Dirty Hall, applied to an old-school digital plate algorithm. High echo density, wide stereo image, and just the right amount of metallic sheen. Drums come alive when sent through Dirty Plate.
- Nonlin. Gated, reverse, and nonlinear reverbs are all on tap here. Use Size to control the duration of the reverb, and Attack to smoothly interpolate between a truncated reverb, a “flat” gated decay, and huge reverse reverbs. Lush chorusing modulation on tap, for your shoegazing needs.
- Chaotic Hall (new in 1.7.1). A chaotic take on the Concert Hall algorithm, with modulation and saturation artifacts inspired by classic tape echoes. Lush and warm, with subtle wow and flutter chorusing that adds depth without making your reverb seasick.
- Chaotic Chamber (new in 1.7.1). Smooth and chaotic at the same time. A relatively “dimensionless” reverb algorithm, that adds depth to your sound. Wow and flutter modulation, subtle tape saturation. Use this algorithm on pretty much any input, and it will sound good.
3 Color Modes For Dialing In The Tone Color And Sonic Artifacts Of A Specific Reverb Era:
- 1970s. Replicates the reduced bandwidth of the earliest digital reverberators (10 kHz maximum output frequency). Downsampled internally, to reproduce the artifacts of running at a lower sampling rate. The modulation is dark and noisy, and can produce strange and random sidebands with sustained notes. This is intentional.
- 1980s. Full bandwidth / sampling rate, for a brighter sound than the 1970s. The modulation is still dark and noisy, but will produce different artifacts than the 1970s mode as it is running at the full sampling rate.
- NOW. Full bandwidth / sampling rate. The modulation is clean and colorless, versus the funky artifacts of the 1970s/1980s modes.
The Interface Has Been Designed To Be Instantly Accessible And User Friendly:
- Streamlined set of powerful parameters, organized into logical categories.
- All controls on one panel. No menu diving required.
- Tooltips at the bottom of the plugin window, that describe the currently selected reverb mode and color mode, as well as any parameters the user is adjusting. The goal is for the plugin to be self-documenting.
- Continuously resizable – just click on the lower right corner and drag to the desired size.
- A powerful cross-platform preset menu, with the ability to copy and paste presets in a text format. Share presets via emails, forum posts, etc.
- Modernist, minimalist 2D graphic design.
- New in 1.7.1: Click on the “GUI Mode” text in the upper right corner of the NOW color mode, to switch between the original black-on-white color scheme, and the brand new white-on-black GUI.
智音派 » Valhalla DSP ValhallaVintageVerb v2.0.2 / v2.1.2 [WiN, MacOSX]