DECiBEL团队| 2021年4月16日| 6.7兆字节
Blumen und Pflanzen是一种具有表现力且无法预测的性能工具,是一种脉动FM反馈合成器/凹槽机。总体而言,它提供了一种新颖而独特的方法来创建奇异的节奏和噪声,非常适合即兴演奏,干扰,重采样,排序甚至吹响扬声器的音锥。
虽然质地复杂,但其核心Blumen und Pflanzen非常简单:在FM反馈环路中设置了两个相同的振荡器,每个振荡器都有自己的速度和包络。每个振荡器都可以通过一个直观的XY控制垫来进行FM或PM相互调制,从而创造了强大而富有表现力的机会,可以使从平滑的正弦音调到残酷的噪声无所不包。
每个振荡器的速度,起音和衰减控制均通过XY打击垫进行控制。X轴是起音时间,Y轴是衰减时间-根据组合的起音/衰减时间计算速度。在中央XY垫下方,有一个小旋钮,可以同时加速或减速两个振荡器。这使乐器摆脱了传统计时的束缚,从而使其更具直观性和趣味性。但是,对于那些想要同步速度或创建更精确节奏的人,可以将每个振荡器的内部时钟切换为接收Midi输入-使其表现得像古怪的两个声音鼓合成器。只需单击每个XY打击垫下的“ SEQ”按钮即可将其切换为“ MIDI”模式。振荡器1由注释C3触发,振荡器2由注释C#3触发。
FM反馈是动态,强大且嘈杂的-但是如果它对您而言还不够嘈杂,那么还可以使用额外的Distortion FX,使其获得更大的冲击力〜Distortion带有一个带有截止和谐振控制的4极低通滤波器作为自动扫频的LFO。
哪怕没有它自己的拖延,什么仪器也不完备?Blumen und Plfanzen从头开始构建,是一款非常立体声的乐器,因此延迟也是如此。它是基本的,但与脉动振荡器结合在一起,使声音呼吸
Team DECiBEL | 16 April 2021 | 6.7 MB
Noisy and Chaotic
An expressive and unpredictable performance tool, Blumen und Pflanzen is a pulsating FM feedback synthesizer/groove machine. A total hunk of an instrument, it provides a refreshing and unique approach to creating odd rhythms and noise that works great for improvising, jamming, re-sampling, sequencing, and even blowing out your speaker cones.
How It Works
While complex in texture, at its core Blumen und Pflanzen is quite simple: two identical oscillators are set in an FM feedback loop, each pulsating with its own speed and envelope. Each oscillator can FM or PM modulate each other, with an intuitive XY control pad creating powerful and expressive opportunities to make everything from smooth sine tones to brutal noise.
Control for the tempo, attack, and decay of each oscillator is controlled via an XY pad. X axis is attack time and Y axis is decay time – tempo is calculated based on the combined attack/decay time. Under the central XY pad, theres a little knob which can speed up or slow down both oscillators together. This frees the instrument up from traditional timing, giving it a much more intuitive and playful approach. However, for those that want to sync to a tempo or create more precise rhythms, each oscillator’s internal clock can be switched to receive midi input – making it behave like a weirdo two voice drum synth. Just click the “SEQ” button under each XY pad to switch it into “MIDI” mode. Oscillator 1 is triggered by note C3 and Oscillator 2 by note C#3.
FM feedback is dynamic, powerful, and noisy – but if its not noisy enough for you, there’s also an additional Distortion FX to give it even more punch~ The Distortion comes with a 4-pole lopass filter with Cutoff and Resonance control, as well as an LFO to automate sweeps.
And what instrument wouldn’t be complete without its own delay? Blumen und Plfanzen is built from the ground up to be a very stereo instrument, so it’s delay is as well. Its basic, but combined with the pulsating oscillators, the sound breathes~
UPDATE: Blumen und Pflanzen now supports multiple outputs.
智音派 » Faded Instruments Blumen und Pflanzen v1.03 RETAiL [WiN, MacOSX]