Future Bass素材Singomakers Future Bass Ultra Pack Vol 2 MULTiFORMAT

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  • Future Bass素材Singomakers Future Bass Ultra Pack Vol 2 MULTiFORMAT

    Singomakers are proud to present this amazing Future Bass Ultra Pack 2! Even more exiting, innovating and inspirational than Volume 1! In Future Bass Ultra Pack 2 you get an unbelievable 2.13 GB of Ultra Professional Loops, One Shots, FX, Vocals, Patches, Midi, Multi Kits and more, with a brand new amazing feature from Singomakers – Track Starters. Now we provide 5 Track Starter Folders presented as a Full Track, Wav loops, Midi and VST Synth Patches of those sounds and most important that Singomakers also provided a presets of VST effects which has been used to process those sounds in the project! With it you are able to see what’s done by Singomakers to get such professional quality of sound and apply it to your own tracks!

    Inspired by hypnotic tracks by great artists such as Flume, San Holo, Wave Racer, Cashmere Cat and more! 2.13 GB of professionally designed samples suitable for Future Bass, Chill Trap, Trap, Twerk, Cinematic, Hip Hop and a lot more! In detail expect to find 2,13 Gb at 150 BPM including 290 Future One Shots, 100 Bass Lines, 100 Synth Loops, 100 Drum Loops, 180 VST Synth Presets (60 Massive, 60 Sylenth1, 60 Spire), 5 Track Starters + 1 master template, 6 Multi Kits (48 Wav loopps, 6 Full Mixes), 140 Sound FX (Impacts, Sweep Up, Sweep Down, Misc), 200 Midi Files, 300 Rex2 Files, 56 Sampler Patches (5 drum kits, 7 drum hits, 20 bass hits, 20 synth hits, 4 fx ), 40 Vocal Shouts + ! Promo & Discount Folder….and Unlimited Inspiration!

    • 24 Bit Quality
    • 2,13 Gb
    • 290 Future One Shots, 100 Bass Lines, 100 Synth Loops
    • 100 Drum Loops
    • 180 VST Synth Presets (60 Massive, 60 Sylenth1, 60 Spire)
    • 5 Track Starters + 1 master template
    • 6 Multi Kits (48 Wav loops, 6 Full Mixes)
    • 140 Sound FX (Impacts, Sweep Up, Sweep Down, Misc)
    • 200 Midi Files
    • 300 Rex2 Files
    • 56 Sampler Patches for NNXT, Kontakt2+, EXS24 & Battery (5 drum kits, 7 drum hits, 20 bass hits, 20 synth hits, 4 fx )
    • 40 Vocal Shouts


    智音派 » Future Bass素材Singomakers Future Bass Ultra Pack Vol 2 MULTiFORMAT



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